Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What its like to be in someone elses shoes..#5

Imagine going outside and the burning hot sun beating on your back as you struggle to walk with the hot, heavy burqa on your back. You trip and fall because your burqa is so long, you accidentally scream, since you have spoken a soldier beats you. What have you done to deserve this??? it was the Soldiers fault in the first place to have fallen because of that heavy burqa, why is it happening to you??
Many women in Afghanistan and other countries of the world have to were these extremely heavy cloaks. They are tough to walk in and almost completely obstructs your view of things around you. These women are forced to were them by soldiers because they are older women. If i had to wear a burqa i would be very angry because i would need help walking and i like to see where I'm going. And the fact that they are very heavy that on a hot day they drag you down, you would never be able to go anywhere. It would be burning hot. Why are you forced to where them, the soldiers are horrible people who take over women's lives. Also women are not allowed to talk, if they do they would get beaten.
If i had to where a burqa and was not allowed to talk, i would be furious and very sad. I feel very bad for these women and i am glad that i am not in their shoes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Japan #4

I arrived in japan 3 days ago here is a recap of what i have done
First i went to Hiroshima For 1 day, While I was there I went to a Hiroshima Palace. It was a HUGE palace in the middle of a lake with 6 stories and i learnt a lot about warriors and how people used to live. Did you know that people were a lot smaller 100 years ago, so the doorways in the palace were like 4 feet tall.
Next I went to The Hiroshima peace museum and learnt all about what happened during the bomb. It was very interesting, We saw what happened with radiation, some people had spots sprout up all over their body and die. Also arms became like mutated it was horrible. I also saw some clothes from children who died in the bombing. It was a great experience.
After, for lunch me and my mom went to a sushi place. This sushi place was sooo cool because it was sushi on a conveyor, so if you wanted a specific sushi you could grab it of the conveyor belt as it went around in a circle. it was so cool.
At the end of the day we went around Hiroshima and saw some buildings that survived after the bombing, they were all black and burnt. I thought that it was amazing that any building actually survived. Next to one of the buildings that survived the bombing, there was a big bright fire that was lit after the peace museum was made. It is an everlasting fire that will stay lit during rain and snow it was very neat.
 The next day we left Hiroshima for Tokyo but first I went to Kyoto (Kyoto used to be the capital, but now tokyo is), so since Kyoto used to be the capital many temples were there. There are over 1000 temples in Kyoto. there were many superstious things there like if you drank out of the fountain of god you will be lucky for the rest of your life etc. The temples were very old, but i thought it was cool inside. I only got to go to 1 temple out of the 1000 in Kyoto.
The next day i went on a day tour to mt. Fugi (Foo-gEE). Mt. Fugi is the tallest mountain in Japan. We had to drive to the halfway point but while we were on the halfway point we couldn't see anything because we were in the middle of a huge cloud. After we came down mt. Fugi our group took a cable car up a seperate mountain that had an amazing view of mt. Fugi. Also on top of that mountain. was a lot of sulfer and hot springs. The sulfer made random masses of smoke everywhere. on top of that mountain they sold eggs, except the eggs weren't normal eggs they were black because of all the sulfer. Finally we got down of the sulfer mountain and took a ship around the bay of tokyo. 
The next day i went to disney sea, disney sea is a one of a kind amusement park like disneyland except everything was themed under water. There was one ride that i went on called 20,000 leagues under the sea (like the book). You got into an enclosed bubble and you started moving suddenley a red alert would start flashing and it would look like your sinking but the glass in the bubble was very thick, it was filled with water so that when you started sinking bubbles would pop up in the glass. So you would think that you were under water, after you sunk you had to find your way through the water and random sea creatures kept popping out and jumping onto your window. It was soo amazing. After we went on many water rides it was so fun.
Now I am about to leave Japan for Canada and i am sad that i have to leave stay tuned for blog number 3 on my trip to learn about the differences between Asia and Canada, also some cool facts about Japan and China are there to, see you on Monday!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life in China

I have just left China To Japan, it was one of the most amazing expeiriences ever. Here is what i did in the last 3 days.....

First we went to our hotel in a place called Suzhou (Sue-jOE), when we got to our hotel i couldn't believe it, our hotel (called the Crowne Plaza) was completley made out of glass. It was set to look like a cruize ship because it had the shape of a huge ship and the front was stretching out over the ocean. On the inside, metal birds were suspended high on the ceiling so it looked like birds were flying over our heads. Also there were small streams of water going around the hotel there was also many stearing weels all over and achors hung everywhere. the flors had old fashioned maps all over it and the elevators were completley glass so you could look out over the whole hotel. Here Are some pictures.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Trip to China and Japan

Oct 2o 2009 #2
My Trip to China/Japan
Imagine walking down the streets of Japan knockoff designer purses to one side and Great smelling food to the other..... Well that will be me in the next couple of days!
Today I am going to leave to China! First i will be staying at the Hilton in Toronto because my flight is at 7:00 am! When i get to China After my long flight me and my mom are going to experience some Chinese cuisine. The next day i will be taken in a limo all around China sight seeing and shopping. The next day we have to switch hotels and i will be going to Disneyland China. After three days in China me and my mom will spend the next seven days in Japan sight seeing and shopping. I will be keeping Blogs when i am in China, so if you want to see what i am doing half-way-around the world then check in on my blog. Pictures will be included. 
Stay tuned for lots of blogs, don't miss me to much!! I can't wait to go to China/Japan!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

#1 Do Clothes Shape Who you are?

Do clothes shape who you are?
One day you go into a expensive restaurant wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the waitress tells you, you have to wait at least half an hour until you get to sit down at a table. Sudenly a Women walks in behind you in head to toe designer clothes the waiter takes one look at her and takes her straight to a table. Wondering why the waitress wouldn't sit you down before isn't hard to figure out, it's because of the clothes you're wearing.
I do not think clothes shape who you are. The reason why I think this way is because, what if a girl came to school wearing clothes from value village, and you completely ignore her because she is not wearing designer names,like you. Maybe she is the nicest person in the class but you completly ignore her because she does not look like you. But the person who is so perfect and wearing the newest Juicy Couture tweed blazer, is a real snob but everyone bows down to her. You should get to know people no matter what they wear. This is like the movie "Devil Wears Prada" Andrea comes to apply for a job but all they look at is what clothes she is wearing. Not if she is a hard worker and smart. Andrea decides to change her look so that Miranda Presley (the Queen of fashion) will except her. In the end Andrea realizes its not about the clothes she is wearing and that she shouldn't change herself just because of that. Sometimes clothes do shape who someone is but most of the time it doesn't. I don't think that it is fair that people judge other people on what they wear. 

I hope that you learned something from my blog and that you think twice before you judge someone on their clothing.
