They are a medley of tastes, colors, shapes, and sizes. Your mother forces you to eat them on a daily basis, but usually you pretend to. Of course I am talking about Veggies! Some are delish like carrots, peppers, and tomatoes. But some disgusting, and repulsive, that make me want to dry heave, like celery, asparagus, and brussel sprouts, ew hurl! The sickening snot color of celery, the awful acidy after taste, the disgusting taste of asparagus (no words to explain how sickening it is) brussel sprouts is just so stomach churning, disgusting, and nauseating, it just makes me want to scream and run away in terror when I see it's pea green and leafy complexion. But isn't it ironic how most of the disgusting and vile vegetables are green? No offence to lettuce but green is obviously a cursed vegetable color.

Even though some vegetables are extremely foul other vegetables can be delicious and refreshing, like tomatoes, the delicate crimson red skin being broken and sending a variety of sweat and sour, juicy tastes into your mouth. What I really like to do with my veggies is make a scrumptious, and refreshing salad. The lime green lettuce cold, crunchy, and fresh, mixed with an energizing vinagrette , and various nuts and sometimes fruits like juicy oranges and succulent pears. Nothing better or healthier than a nice cool salad to restore your brain power!
Even though I have accused some vegetables to be utterly vomitous, and gross, some people might think celery and asparagus are delicious or that tomatoes are disgusting. Because we are all different, I can't even think of a world where people were all the same it would be boring just like if vegetables were all alike, imagine if we had to eat asparagus for the rest of our lives, ew! So in a way humans and vegetables are completely the same, we are all different colors, shapes and sizes.
LIFE LESSON: Eat your veggies!!!!!
GREAT BLOG i really like how you described the Veggies!!! it really put alot of images in my head. i like how at the beggininng you told us that most vegatbles are bad but then you said that you should eat them. GOOD JOB KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!